I think I can confidently say that nearly all parents will face a period where their children don’t sleep through the night. For some it will come early in the child’s life, for others it may come later.
The results are the same: exhausted, irritable and even depressed parents and grumpy children who struggle to concentrate.
In extreme cases, the lack of sleep can drive a family to breaking point.
Here are a few tips that might help you get through the more standard sleep issues. If they don’t work then Glow Dreaming may be able to help.
Glow Dreaming is the only sleep aid that tackles sleep issues using multiple technologies:
Reasons behind sleep issues in children can vary, because of this it can be difficult to find a solution. Glow Dreaming simply covers all the bases, achieving 98% success rate.
The 9 Rules of good sleep are:
Rule 1.
How much sleep to children need?
The rule of thumb outlined by most sleep experts is a good guide.
Note that this guideline should include naps:
Rule 2.
Establish healthy sleep habits
By 4 months old, your baby should be getting most of their sleep at night.
With a more established day-night cycle, this is the perfect time to establish a sleep routine.
Consistency is key. By creating a schedule with regular nap times and a set bedtime you can develop very healthy sleep habits.
When putting a baby to bed try and make sure it’s while they are drowsy and not when they are fully asleep.
It is important from them to learn how to soothe themselves to sleep. This independents is key for self soothing.
Rule 3.
Set a bedtime ritual
Setting a routine helps your child understand it is time for bed.
Humans of all ages are creatures of habit and regular triggers will help induce certain feelings.
Many parents rely on the three Bs for babies: bath, books, and bottle. Feel free to create your own bedtime routine as long as it's something that relaxes them and prepares them for sleep.
Just like most adults, children need a calm, quiet space for sleep.
The room doesn't have to be pitch black at night.
If your child is more secure with a night-light on that’s ok, just make sure it is only red, yellow or orange and LED in nature as other colour or light source's can emit blue light waves which interrupt the production of melatonin.
Rule 5.
Feeling full
When your baby is full they will sleep longer and better.
For older kids, though, be careful about what you feed them right before bedtime. It is best not to give them fruit juice or sweets after 3 p.m. if they suffer from sleep issues.
Rule 6.
Winding down
Start calming things down about 20-30 minutes before the sleep routine begins. This should include turning off the TV and limiting any kind of physical activity to focus on more relaxing pursuits, such as listening to some calming music.
A suggestion that I’ve seen work for quite a few parents is sitting down and quietly talking about everyone's day. It doesn’t hurt the old bonding process either.
Rule 7.
To nap or not to nap
Many parents believe that if their child doesn't nap well during the day, they’ll simply make up that sleep at night. Unfortunately that isn’t the case.
A bad nap usually means a bad night's sleep. Specialists usually recommend at least one nap each day in the child's own crib or bed -- not in the car seat or stroller. It's the best way to ensure they get a good quality rest.
Rule 8.
The way you talk about sleep
Children will respond better when you soften the edges a bit and avoid being too direct.
If your child is overstimulated or having sleep issues, this can seem like a command and cause anxiety. At nap time, call it 'rest time.' At bedtime, call it 'night-night time'.
Rule 9.
Be consistent
Aside from special occasions (like holidays or birthdays), be sure your child stays on schedule and you stick with your daily routine. Creating healthy sleep habits now will help you -- and your child -- in the long run!
Of course these 9 rules have simplified what can be a very difficult issue.
Sometimes there are simply other factors at play with your child’s sleep. If you try the rules and it doesn’t work then please consider Glow Dreaming.
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