Dad’s Matter Too: Mental Health Awareness Week

Written in partnership with Heidi Skudder

The NHS report that 1 in 10 men develop mental health problems such as depression or anxiety during pregnancy, or in the first year after childbirth.  

At Glow we recognise the importance of keeping our physical and mental health in check and so, whilst our core purpose is to improve sleep for parent and child, for a better quality of life; there is no better time than Mental Health Awareness Week (13th – 19th May) to support fathers further in how they can navigate those early months.  

Our brand ambassador, early years expert and sleep coach Heidi Skudder shares her valued experience on the subject offering helpful insight and advice. 

“Having worked with thousands of new families both in home and online, I so often see a pattern 

of new fathers feeling overwhelmed, having a desire to help with the baby post birth, but often 

not knowing how to as they have had little practical experience...”  

Emotional Support 

The postpartum period can be emotionally challenging for many mothers as they adjust to their new role and recover from childbirth. Fathers can offer emotional support through 

listening, empathy, and affirmation. Often, the birth itself can take a little while to recover from emotionally, as can the adjustment to parenting in general and having a baby to take care of 24/7. Whilst we are focusing on the role of dad supporting mum, we also should acknowledge here that paternal mental health is an equally important area to be aware of and therefore sharing problems and being honest about how you are feeling to each other, is mutually beneficial. 




Encourage Professional Help if Needed 

Recognising when to seek help is really important and is often initially triggered by a partner recognising key symptoms before anyone else. If a mother shows signs of postpartum depression or anxiety, encouragement to speak to either her health visitor, or GP is so important. Talking is always recommended and perhaps taking regular breaks with baby so that mum can get the rest she needs is also an option. 


Building Dad-Friend Relationships 

Building a support network with other fathers can provide a sense of togetherness during the postnatal period and beyond. Sharing experiences and advice can help new fathers feel less isolated and more empowered to support their partners in the best way possible, knowing that others are going through the same experience too. Many parents join antenatal classes which offer a chance for the dads to get together and often end up in pub afternoons (with baby) or baby-wearing dad walks too! 


For Paternal Mental Health Support 

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