5 Tips to Help Your Baby Adjust to Daylight Saving Time

As daylight saving time approaches, parents may worry about how the change in time will affect their baby's sleep. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help your baby adjust to the time change and minimise disruptions to their sleep schedule.

1. Gradually adjust your baby's sleep schedule:

Start adjusting your baby's sleep schedule a few days before the time change. Begin by moving their bedtime in 15 minute increments until they're going to bed at the desired new time. This gradual adjustment can help your baby's body clock adapt to the time change more easily.

2. Stick to a consistent bedtime routine:

Consistency is key when it comes to your baby's sleep routine. Stick to your baby's usual bedtime routine, such as giving them a bath, reading a book, or singing a lullaby. The Glow Dreaming is a great tool to support a consistent and healthy sleep routine. It provides visual, auditory and scent-based cues that signal bedtime.

3. Expose your baby to sunlight:

Sunlight is a powerful cue for our body clock, so try to expose your baby to sunlight in the morning and early afternoon. Take your baby for a walk outside or sit by a sunny window. This can help reset your baby's body clock and promote healthy sleep patterns.

If you struggle to get out or the weather isn't cooperative, you can use the Green LED on your Glow Dreaming. It supports your little one in a similar way, helping with Serotonin as well as focus and concentration.

4. Use Pink Noise:

Pink noise can help drown out any external noises that may disrupt your baby's sleep, such as car honks or barking dogs. It creates a soothing environment that can help your baby fall asleep and stay asleep. Pink noise is better for your baby than white noise as it supports them in the deepest phases of sleep, ensuring they get the rejuvenating rest their little bodies need.

5. Be patient and flexible:

It may take a few days or even a week for your baby to fully adjust to the time change. Be patient and flexible with your baby's sleep schedule, and try to stick to a consistent routine as much as possible. Remember that some babies may be more sensitive to changes in their sleep schedule than others, so don't worry if it takes a little longer for your baby to adjust.


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